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Penrith Police Local Area Command have charged an outlaw motorcycle gang associate over a stabbing in Penrith

Penrith Police Local Area Command have charged an outlaw motorcycle gang associate over a stabbing in Penrith in October last year. A 23-year-old Quakers Hill man was stabbed in the leg and chest while he was sitting in his 4WD near the intersection of Castlereagh Road and Jane Street shortly before 4.30pm on 21 October 2008. The injured man was treated at the scene by ambulance officers from a nearby station, before being taken to Nepean Hospital for treatment.As a result of the ongoing investigation, police conducted a high-risk operation in Werrington yesterday afternoon.About 6.45pm a 23-year-old man was arrested without incident on Werrington Road and taken to Penrith Police Station.He was refused bail to appear in Parramatta Bail Court today charged with attempted murder and maliciously inflict grievous bodily harm. Yesterday’s operation involved police from Penrith Local Area Command, North West Metropolitan Region Enforcement Squad, State Crime Command Gangs Squad, Tactical Operations Unit and Negotiators, as well as the SPG Dog Unit.

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