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Chad Wilson, 33, of San Diego and John Midmore, 35,trial for conspiracy would amount to double-jeopardy.

Chad Wilson, 33, of San Diego and John Midmore, 35, of Valparaiso, Ind. were acquitted by a Minnehaha County jury Nov. 20 on charges that they tried to kill five people associated with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club. The parties decided before the trial that charges of conspiracy to commit murder would be handled later.But after the verdict, defense lawyers argued a trial for conspiracy would amount to double-jeopardy. Beadle County State’s Attorney Mike Moore, who helped prosecute the case, now says he is close to a plea agreement with both defendants.“We’re close to an agreement to resolve it,” he said Tuesday.Moore would not disclose the particulars of the deal, but said the plan is for Wilson and Midmore to return to state court in Sioux Falls to enter pleas on Feb. 4.

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