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Iron Horseman Motorcycle Club member Harry Seavey Jr. was killed during the fight after police said he fired at officers when they entered JD's Honky Tonk

"Iron Horseman Motorcycle Club member Harry Seavey Jr. was killed during the fight after police said he fired at officers when they entered JD's Honky Tonk.
Investigators said Seavey was an enforcer for the motorcycle club and that he was called in from Maine.
On Tuesday, the leader of Cincinnati's Fraternal Order of Police is taking aim at Police Chief Tom Streicher for comments he made about the shootout.
FOP President Kathy Harrell said that despite the Iron Horsemen's growing numbers in the Tri-State, Streicher is being too nice to the motorcycle club.
'For anyone to think that the Iron Horsemen are not involved in criminal activity, it's ludicrous,' Harrell said.
Harrell made the statements after Streicher was interviewed by radio station 700 WLW's Bill Cunningham.
Cunningham had asked Streicher if Seavey might have thought he was under attack.
Streicher responded, 'There's no reason to disbelieve that, and it's certainly one of the possible explanations that are there.'
Harrell said that 14 officers met before going into JD's Honky Tonk and that they were clearly marked as police."

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