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Biker Gangs in Germany: Hell's Angels and Bandidos Agree to a Truce - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Biker Gangs in Germany: Hell's Angels and Bandidos Agree to a Truce - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "the Hell's Angels and Bandidos are arranging a truce in Germany. For over a year the two biker gangs have been involved in violent conflict. But on Wednesday a ceasefire will be sealed with a handshake in Hanover.
At the end of April, the biker gangs Hell's Angels and Bandidos were banned in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein -- a result of a rash of violent incidents between the two groups in the recent past. This month, other German states were considering following suit.
Now, though, that may no longer be necessary. The two gangs, sworn enemies who have been involved in an escalating conflict over control of various criminal activities and terrain since early 2009, said on Monday that they want to make peace.
The truce -- agreed to by the vice president of the Bandidos in Europe, Peter M. and Frank H., the president of the Hell's Angels Charters in Hanover -- will be sealed 'by a handshake' on Wednesday in a lawyer's office in Hanover."

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