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John Vasilantonakis wanted for a bikers' brawl outside the former Sorrento Hotel on The Kingsway

John Vasilantonakis wanted for a bikers' brawl outside the former Sorrento Hotel on The Kingsway almost 17 years ago is now in police custody. Greater Sudbury Police said in a release Saturday that two rival motorcycle gangs got into a fight Sept. 6, 1992. One biker was shot, two were knifed and others were struck with a two-by-four piece of lumber and a tire iron. "Although the injuries were serious all have since recovered," police said. Police in Sudbury issued an arrest warrant for John Vasilantonakis, 47, for allegedly attacking a man, who was 38 at the time, with the lumber. He eluded police until Friday, when he came into contact with the Toronto Police Service. Officers there discovered the warrant issued by Sudbury police. Vasilantonakis was arrested and has been returned to Sudbury, where he is scheduled for a bailing hearing by video on Sunday on a charge of assault with a weapon.

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