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Infiltrated the Hells Angels.

Jay “Jaybird” Dobyns is the unconventional, full-bore federal agent who achieved worldwide notoriety as one of America’s most daring and talked-about law enforcement officers. After more than twenty years of undercover assignments that targeted the world’s most deadly criminals and their organizations, Jay was infamously “outed” following an unprecedented and successful infiltration of the Hells Angels outlaw biker gang.

Infiltrated the Hells Angels. His work in operation "Black Biscuit" led to the arrests of 55 alleged members of the Angels and the seizure of 650 guns, more than 100 explosives and 30,000 rounds of ammunition.But the most serious charges were dismissed in 2006 and Dobyns, upset over the handling of the case, retired from the ATF. His book, "No Angel", which was released this week, tells of his life as an undercover agent. Twentieth Century Fox already has bought the movie rights.
Dobyns' enemies far outnumber his friends. His life has been threatened and his home was burned last August. The ATF, which now regards Dobyns as an outcast, put forth little effort in investigating the blaze and, according to Dobyns, tried to link him to the blaze.Dobyns said he decided after the fire that there will be no more bouncing from city to city, no more aliases."I'm not going to be intimidated by these threats anymore. I'm gonna make my stand and be happy doing it."

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